Facebook Ad Campaigns

Tips for Big Results with Facebook Ad Campaigns

Successful Facebook Ad Campaigns

It’s easy to spend money on Facebook ads. New advertisers may simply hit “boost post” and hope for the best. Every month Rita Zamora Connections crafts custom Facebook ad campaigns for our clients. Let us share an example of a successful Facebook campaign and tips on how to design a winning Facebook promotion for your practice.

What is the Objective?

When planning a promotional campaign, it’s important to think first about what your final objective is.  What do you want to achieve with the ad?
  • Is there a particular procedure you’d like to do more of?
  • Do you want to promote an open house event for your practice?
  • Do you want  drive traffic to your website?
Pro Tip:  For every promotional (ad) campaign, the first step is to determine the objective.
Here’s a great example of one that hit the mark when it comes to meeting the practice’s goals:
  • Generating good-will in the community
  • Expanding practice visibility
  • Stimulating word of mouth
  • Attract new patients
Facebook Ad Campaign


  •  5,145 people in the practice’s community reached
  • 108 post likes
  • 40 new page likes
We didn’t get these kind of results by accident.  It took intentional planning and community awareness to get there.  Using the practice’s objectives as a springboard, let’s talk about what made this campaign so successful.

Generating good-will in the community

  • We chose an event that involved the local community, the 100th Kern County Fair,  leveraging a favorite event known as the “crown jewel of county fairs.”
  • We encouraged people to share their favorite things to see/do/eat at the fair, creating excitement and a feeling of camaraderie.
  • We created a contest that gave away two pairs of tickets to the fair, created a further sense of support and community while appealing to the excitement of winning something.

Expanding practice visibility

  • Every time a person liked, commented, or shared this post it was exposed to all of their friends via their Facebook Newsfeed.

Stimulating word of mouth

  • The stats speak for themselves – 108 post likes, 40 new page likes, 117 comments, 13 shares, and 5,145 people reached in their community.
These components, combined with specific Facebook ad targeting techniques, produce terrific results for our clients.
Is there an event or activity coming up in your community that you could use to build a campaign?  Don’t forget to start by determining what your objective is.
Have fun and involve the whole team!
Is your practice excellent at implementation, but lacking on the ideas and creativity it takes to be successful? Or perhaps, you are great at generating ideas, but you don’t know how to create campaigns or launch promotions on Facebook? Either way, we’d love to help.

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