
YouTube Marketing – Where to Begin…

Have you begun marketing with YouTube?  Now is the time! Online video viewership is skyrocketing…

Before you start to shoot video and set up a YouTube account, it’s wise to spend some time considering what results you want. Read the three important planning steps in my recent “YouTube: You’re on the Air” DentalTown article.   Below is an excerpt:

If you feel overwhelmed with these initial planning questions, you may want to consider a professional’s help. A professional videographer can help you work through your camera jitters, develop an effective script and recommend the best location. Perhaps you’ve already made your video, but you’re stuck in the editing, tagging or uploading process. Remember help is available at every stage of the process.

1 Response

  1. Mui_851

    You tube is a good tool to advertise your dental services since there are so many people around the world who visited it everyday. Aside from that, people find it more entertaining and accessible to find a good dentist on you tube.

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