
Top 3 Marketing & Sales Tips for Dental Specialists

1) Know Your Numbers- Specifically your case acceptance numbers. How many cases of orthodontic, periodontal or dental implant treatment plans did you present during a period of time and how many were accepted/completed for that same amount of time? Simple question right? You tell me… definitively in black and white, do you REALLY know what your numbers are? Guesses, estimations and hunches don’t count here. What matters is the concrete evidence. I’m really passionate about this, as I still run across many practices that are unaware of their numbers, not sure how to get them, where to get them or who wish they could avoid the topic altogether. These numbers are critical to diagnosing one of the major business-health aspects of your practice. This report can either give you peace of mind, or indicate where you might need help.

2) Your Fortune is in Your Follow-Up – This phrase is one of my favorite mantras. Especially in this economy when patients may put treatment off longer than usual. In some cases it is worthwhile to follow-up with patients for up to two years. If you don’t already have an efficient follow-up system, implement one right away. Most importantly, don’t wait for a “slow day in the office” to handle the task, make it a priority- and keep up with it on a consistent basis. Follow-up is like the faucet for your business… open it up with good follow-up practices and you’ll continue to see a steady flow of production.

3) Think Face to Face – The best way to generate referrals for your practice is through face to face meetings. Whether you choose to do lunch, perform a presentation or make marketing visits, your referring practices need to see you. Face to face or in person meetings are the most effective way to generate referrals because it is active marketing (or sales) versus passive marketing such as direct mail. Active marketing is a two-way exchange meaning you not only get face time, you also get to listen and hear what the other person shares with you. Unlike mailing a letter where you state written information, however you don’t get to immediately hear from the other person, see their body language, read their expressions, etc. Start planning now for your 2009 face to face strategy and make your marketing more effective.

Need help? Call Rita at 303-807-3827 or email rita@tangiblemarketing.com

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