
Today’s Most Important Marketing Focus — Is Your Practice Believable?

For years marketings focus has been on “getting your name and face out there”. But today, it is equally important to be believable once you are found.  Rohit Bhargava, author of Likeonomics, said, “Affinity has become the new secret weapon — we believe in people and companies that we like.”

It seems people have become skeptical of businesses and service providers. Google research proves this theory true: In 2011 consumers consulted an average of 10.4 new media or traditional sources before purchasing, 2x the sources consulted just the year before.”

So today, not only do you need multiple pieces of online real estate in order for people to find you, you also need to ensure your personality, human-side, and values are well represented.

Rohit Bhargava said that Likeonomics is based on being simple, human, brutally honest and emotional. The video below represents the first step which is “simple and based on personal relationships. Be genuine, be honest, be open.”

Read Erica Swallow’s excellent take on what Rohit calls a “believability crisis” in HOW TO: Make Your PR & Marketing Believable.

Is your practice believable?

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