The Best Way To Boost Dental Specialist Referrals
The best way for dental specialists to increase referrals is by marketing actively. Think face-to-face meetings with referring dentists. In person meetings will produce higher quantity, and quality, referrals than passive marketing…
For example, during lunch meetings specialists have the opportunity to ask referring dentists questions, share conversation and receive valuable feedback. It is personal interaction that nourishes and grows the relationship between specialist and referring dentist. It also allows the specialist to learn first-hand about the referrer’s preferences- which in turn lets the specialist continually improve service to both the referring dentist and mutual patients.
To further illustrate the difference between active and passive marketing, review the brief list below.
Active Marketing:
· Doctor lunches
· Personal marketing deliveries
· Small group activities (such as golf)
Passive Marketing:
· Marketing deliveries handled by third parties (such as Mrs. Fields® cookies delivered via UPS)
· Gifts
· Newsletters
Successful referral-based practices utilize a combination of both active and passive marketing activities. Further, smart practices focus on enjoyable, quality relationships and communication- which in turn produces loyal and frequent referrers.