Social Media Marketing Seminar – One Dentist’s Revelation
Relationship-focused dentists get it. Last week at one of our social media marketing seminars for dentists, a doctor said, “I don’t think social media will work for practices who don’t make patient relations a priority”. Duh, you may say. However you’d be surprised at the number of people still under the impression that social media is a “build it and they will come” marketing tactic …
In fact, social media is like maintaining a garden—it’s a living thing that must be nurtured and taken care of, again and again. Your Facebook page will ultimately be a reflection of your patient relations. The more you delight patients, and invite those delighted patients to participate with you on Facebook, the better social media will serve you.
Dentists are not only beginning to see new opportunities in social media, they are starting to see how social media, word-of-mouth and patient relations interconnect. In other words, without excellent patient relations, good word-of-mouth cannot exist. Likewise, without good word-of-mouth, social media will not work.
Social media marketing is a buzz phrase right now. It’s a hot and exciting topic, however it will never compare to the powerful benefits of simply making patients happy : )