
Social Media Marketing – Legal Risks for Dentistry

Early this month I had the pleasure of presenting several seminars at the Rocky Mountain Dental Convention.  William Walters, a Denver attorney, also presented at the conference and spoke about social media marketing risks.

Note, I’m not an attorney myself.  The following article is written based on my understanding and perspective of Mr. Walters excellent presentation …

Whether you are marketing on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter, read the small print/terms of service.  Yes, they are often pages long and change regularly, however you should be informed.

Be sure to have verifiable, signed consent from patients—and employees—to use their photos, video, etc. in social media platforms. The signed release should make mention of “perpetual use”, and include the fact material will be used in social media (Facebook, etc.).

Set limits for team members posting.  Include expectations for behavior in your policy manuals. In addition, monitor your platforms regularly.  For example, check on your Facebook Page on a regular basis. Be aware of what both staff members, as well as patients and the public, are posting on your Page.

Be thoughtful about what you are posting and be careful about defamation in public areas, tweets included.

Read more about Mr. Walters statements regarding advertising regulations, the FTC, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, as well as HIPPA in the January 20, 2011 DrBicuspid.com article entitled “ How social media can help — and hurt — your practice.

Social media is a new dental marketing frontier—with unprecedented opportunities.  It’s often seen as fun, casual and spontaneous… However it’s important to be informed, compliant, and thoughtful about what we say and how we manage our social marketing.

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