
Social Media Marketing for Dentistry – Don’t Knock It Until You Try It

While most of us are aware of the value of being found on the internet, many marketers and dental practices are still struggling with the thought of social media.  To join and participate-or not-that is the question.  It is baffling to hear the number of consultants and dentists bashing social media entirely.  This could be a risky prospect… imagine a world with no yellow pages, with no unsolicited (junk) mail and no newspaper advertisements.  What if the only option in the future was online marketing? If that were the case, wouldn’t you want as much positive content about yourself online as possible?

In the future, if “he with the most current, relevant and interesting online content” wins in search, don’t you want to be found?  If yes, then it is necessary to start now.  It is important to begin building a name for yourself online, including participating in social media.  For example, if you have a stagnant brochure-ware website, and your competitor is an active blogger and participates in numerous social media outlets- guess what… they will likely be found time and again before you.

Be open and try social media.  Treat your participation in online groups with the same common sense as you would any other social situation.  In other words, don’t post anything in writing that you don’t want to come back and haunt you.  Don’t treat others like they are numbers- be kind and sociable.  People want to be treated well online, just as they do in person. Be willing to converse, be friendly and get to know about others- hence the name “social” media.  If you think it is all a complete waste of time, then it probably will be for you.

The old saying “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it” applies to social media as well.  Those who participate with others online, expand their networks and spend time interacting with people they enjoy will get a completely different perspective on the direction marketing is moving toward.  So, before deciding against social media entirely, reconsider what you really have to lose or gain from it.

What’s your opinion?

2 Responses

  1. Hey Rita,

    Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth when it comes to social media marketing. If only the dental industry were open enough to grasp how much they would be missing if they don’t participate in this growing form of communication.

    Unfortunately for some dentist and for most businesses, social media is still too new for them to fully embrace or understand. Those who step up to the plate and take advantage of this new media will continue to succeed because their clientele will reward them with more business.

    Social media makes it so much easier for us to stay in touch with our audience. The more we use social media to share the more we will get back in faithful followers who are then more apt to help our businesses thrive.

    Again great post


  2. Hey Rita,

    Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth when it comes to social media marketing. If only the dental industry were open enough to grasp how much they would be missing if they don’t participate in this growing form of communication.

    Unfortunately for some dentist and for most businesses, social media is still too new for them to fully embrace or understand. Those who step up to the plate and take advantage of this new media will continue to succeed because their clientele will reward them with more business.

    Social media makes it so much easier for us to stay in touch with our audience. The more we use social media to share the more we will get back in faithful followers who are then more apt to help our businesses thrive.

    Again great post


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