
Social Media Etiquette for Dental Professionals – Should Social Media Marketing Be Outsourced?

Can social media marketing be outsourced?  That’s a common question I hear from dentists and practice managers.  The answer is yes—except not entirely …

For example, I recently overheard a dentist asking his assistant to check his personal Facebook account and respond to any new comments.  On Facebook there is an expectation that you will interact on your own “personal” behalf. Unless you are a celebrity, whereas, it wouldn’t be uncommon to have assistance.  Keep in mind, every situation is unique.  However, in general, where is the best place to draw the line?

A best practice would be to manage your own “Personal” Facebook account yourself.  Why? Consider your colleagues or friends that likely assume it’s you they’re befriending, sharing, and interacting with.  Had your colleagues, friends or potential new friends knew it really wasn’t you participating, would they still want to be friends with you? Again, every situation is unique … In general, personal accounts are best handled personally.

On the other hand, a “Business” Facebook Page may be delegated or co-managed. However, keep in mind, social media is meant to be social—and people expect your efforts to be authentic and genuine.

Most importantly, be sure at least one person within your practice always knows the following:

  • What is posted (or tweeted) on the doctor’s or practice behalf.
  • What patients or people who “Like” your Page are saying on your Page.
  • What is being posted as comments on your behalf.

In order for your social media efforts to succeed, at least one person in your practice should be fluent and up to date with your social media efforts.  Hopefully that one person is 1) excited about social media. 2) interested in patient relations. 3) motivated to interact and listen to patients, alliances, and online networks.

Outsourcing your social media efforts 100% can be risky. It’s almost like telling someone to answer your phone, but “don’t bother telling us what you or our patients talk about”.  In this situation, you may want to consider whether social media is a good fit for you.

An effective way to outsource is to appoint someone in your office to co-manage your social marketing with a professional social media marketing service provider. This allows your team to participate, interact, and enjoy the benefits of this type of marketing, without having to shoulder the entire responsibility.

Whether handled internally or co-managed, remember keys to success in social marketing are being authentic and social.  Genuinely enjoying socializing, relationship building, and having fun while doing so are a plus!

Who manages your social marketing efforts?

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