
Is Your Facebook Page As Important As Your Website?

Just how important is it for your practice to be on Facebook?  Take a look at market research company Lab42’s survey results.  The survey illustrates what 1,000 social media users think about how they interact with brands on Facebook. It seems consumers are viewing brand’s Facebook pages as increasingly important.  

Below are a few positive and negative findings from the survey … Of all the findings, the most crucial is to be careful not to over-post. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know I’ve been preaching this all along.  It’s better to be safe than sorry—honor the newsfeed space of your likers and you will be more successful in the long run.  Otherwise you risk being hidden or unliked.

50% of Consumers Value a Brand’s Facebook Page More Than Its Website.

Positive Findings: 

87% of people like brands on Facebook.

82% think Facebook is a good place to interact with brands.

35% feel brands listen to people more on Facebook.

69% have liked a brand just because a friend did! (This is particularly attractive news. Imagine how many new patients might like your page just because their friend likes you).

Negative Findings: 

73% have unliked brands because they posted too much.

22% are too embarrassed to like certain brands.

#2 way more brands could get more people to like them:  Post less often. (Hello!)

47% don’t like brands because they feel the brand will clutter their newsfeed. (Again, honor the space of your followers newsfeed.  This means focus on quality posts more than quantity.)

Review the entire study Infographic here.  While Facebook pages aren’t completely replacing websites, research is showing they are in fact becoming increasingly important.  Is your practice represented well on Facebook?

Whether you are looking for Facebook marketing hand-holding, personalized training, or on-demand video webinars, we can help!

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