
Facebook Business Page Posting Etiquette

A common question I hear these days is, “How often should we be posting to our practice Facebook Page?”.  Some practices are posting once a week, and others once a day or multiple times per day.  To help you determine what is best for you, consider the following recommendations…  This is an excerpt from an article I recently wrote exclusively for Patterson Dental’s “Off the Cusp” blog:

How often are you posting on your dental practice Facebook page? Once a week, every day, multiple times per day? Ever since the first Edgerank study was released, people have been clamoring to crack Facebook’s algorithm and find the sweetest spot to maximize their newsfeed exposure. For those of you who are newbies, that means, how you can maximize keeping your name and face in front of patients via Facebook’s newsfeed.

I’m certainly all for keeping your name and face in front of patients – within reason. And note that each practice, depending on the type (general practice, orthodontic, pediatric, etc.), will have different audiences and thus varying preferences with regard to communication.  Read the rest of the article here.

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