
Dental Marketing Gone To The Dogs



Some of the most successful dentists I know share a bit of personality with their patients. They may love dogs, fishing, golf, church, music, travel, volunteering, etc. Whatever their passion, they confidently show a part of their authentic self which in turn comes across to patients as genuine, real and trustworthy.

What better way to easily connect with someone than through shared interests. Over 3 billion dollars are expected to be spent on pet services in the United States alone this year… We Americans love our pets. The love of dogs is just one example of personal interest you might share.

The most important thing to consider is the commodity of dental care available on the market today. It is easy to replicate digital x-rays, a modern reception room, flexible hours or cool staff uniforms—what is impossible to replicate is your genuine self. Showing a bit of your personality can go a long way in building trust and relationships. The added bonus is you’ll give patients something easy to remember and fun to talk about when they refer friends to you.

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