Dental Marketing Flailing? Take A Look At Your Wheel…
No, it’s not your car wheels, but your marketing wheel that will reveal why problems exist. Imagine a wheel with spokes, much like a bicycle wheel, each spoke representing one aspect of your marketing. For example, one spoke may represent a referral program, another spoke is for patient newsletters, yet another spoke represents a neighborhood advertisement or a direct mail program. Some dentists are under the impression that one spoke- marketing activity- will handle the job. In fact, without a well balanced wheel, many marketing plans/practices will flail.
That’s not to say every practice needs to do every type of marketing… some practices thrive on referrals alone. Each spoke of their wheel represents a large number of happy patient ambassadors referring on regular basis. If you’ve decided now is the time to get out and market, consider how you’ll fill out the spokes of your wheel. It will make the difference between a marketing program that goes nowhere and one that rolls out successfully.
How is your practice surviving our turbulent economic times?