
Dental Management & Marketing Consultants Attend “Social Media, A Timely Topic”

It was an honor to co-present a roundtable presentation with Teresa Duncan, blog author of TheDentalImplantBlog.com.  The session was held recently at the Academy of Dental Management Consultant’s annual meeting–this year in Hawaii.

Rita Zamora (right in black) co-presenting with Teresa Duncan (left in pink)

Rita Zamora (right, in black) co-presenting with Teresa Duncan (left, in pink)

Teresa and I presented “Social Media, A Timely Topic”, which covered questions such as: How to effectively gain exposure with social media, pitfalls to avoid, how social media is being utilized by companies of all sizes and more …

Meeting attendees are members of the ADMC, which consist of a variety of dental professionals, including speakers, management and marketing consultants.

Rita Zamora (seen above in black sweater) co-presenting roundtable session "Social Media, A Timely Topic".  Teresa Duncan co-presenter is seated to the left of Rita Zamora.

Rita Zamora co-presenting roundtable session, "Social Media, A Timely Topic", with Teresa Duncan. ADMC members listen in.

Rita Zamora (black sweater left side) presenting, along with Teresa Duncan (pink blouse right side)

Rita Zamora, alongside Teresa Duncan, co-presenting roundtable session, "Social Media, A Timely Topic".

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