Are You Ready To Say Goodbye To The SEO Rat Race?
There’s been a slew of articles published the last few weeks about alternatives to Google search and traditional SEO. Potential search replacements are being motivated by user behavior and the desire for more relevant solutions. Consider, “social search”, how businesses may be found, for example on Facebook, based on the number of people who like them (fans/relationships) vs. a Google algorithm.
In this article, entitled “Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google“, the author said, “Google has become a jungle: a tropical paradise for spammers and marketers.” The article goes on to say that most Google searches now take you to sites that will make them money or to sites created by unscrupulous companies that know how to manipulate Google’s page-ranking system …
What does this mean for the future of your web marketing? It doesn’t mean you abandon your current online strategy if it’s working for you. At this moment, Google search is still king—although the throne is being scrutinized and spurred. Hopefully Google will take note of the evolving wants and needs of more sophisticated web searchers.
In the meantime, establish and grow your online communities where people are spending more time (Why You Must Focus on ROR ‘Return on Relationships’ in 2011).