Grow Your Practice By Networking On Facebook
Once you make the decision to use Facebook for your practice, the next steps are to learn how to use it well. In addition to interacting with patients, there are many opportunities you can take advantage of. One of the great benefits you can realize will come from genuine networking and growing relationships with other businesses and organizations in your community.
With that said, one of my favorite Facebook marketing strategies is for practices to interact with other businesses on their respective business pages. Practices can easily show their affinity for local businesses or organizations—whether it be the local business page of a patient’s restaurant, or the local humane society or a non-profit you support. When your practice Facebook page likes, comments and interacts with other businesses something magical happens. Consider this a virtual handshake with neighboring businesses in your community!
Many of the businesses and organizations in your community are also looking to network, grow their likes, and spread the word about their products and services. When one Facebook page likes another business page, the liked page receives a notification of that like and its origin. Many times the liked page will reciprocate and like the practice page back. Likewise, when someone mentions another business page via tags (live links included in Facebook posts) or shares, the business page owner will often return the compliment by sharing and mentioning your practice within their network as well.
All of this sincere liking and well intended sharing results in positive word of mouth and good will for your practice. In addition the likes you show on your business page wall illustrate endorsements, support or compliments to others in the community. The likes on your business page wall also ultimately reveal the interests and values of your practice.
To begin using a networking strategy for your Facebook page, brainstorm with your team about local businesses, patient-owned businesses or organizations you support or simply like. Go out and like each of those pages and then spend 10-15 minutes each week updating your likes and interacting with other businesses in your community. Spread a little love (or likes) on Facebook and you’ll get some back.
Have you thought of ways networking on Facebook can benefit your practice?
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