
7 Ways To Boost Dental Referrals

1. NEWSLETTERS – Quality not quantity is the key. Don’t put off sending out a newsletter because you think it has to be four tedious pages long. The most important elements are to be consistent, interesting, and unique-to-your-practice.

2. REFERRAL PROGRAMS – Make sure you have a turn-key system in place. Be sure to say thank you for each and every referral and consider rewards or incentives when appropriate.

3. CHASES CALENDAR OF EVENTS – Reference this book and find ideas to celebrate any meaningful day of the year with your patients.

4. EMAILS – Send out e-news, greeting card, special offer, promotion, announcement or invitation.

5. CONTESTS – This can be something patients actively enter to win, or are automatically entered into when they refer, elect to receive your emails or complete surveys.

6. POSTCARDS – Get creative! Personalize a custom postcard with a team photo or use a non-dental related theme to get more attention.

7. SPECIAL EVENTS – Picnics, barbecues, pumpkin patch hunts or patient appreciation open-house parties.

Finding effective referral marketing activities doesn’t mean you have to re-invent the wheel or bust your marketing budget. If you forgot to plan, simply choose a few tactics you can implement today.

Want to know more? Get your complete Referral Marketing System How-To Guidebook now.

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