
5 Myths That Scare Dentists From Facebook

Are you standing on the sidelines questioning if Facebook is right for your practice?  There are a few unfortunate myths that prevent many dentists from moving forward with Facebook Marketing.  In speaking to dental professionals about social media, I continue to hear the same concerns being voiced.  Here they are:

Myth #1 –  If I put my practice on Facebook, it will make us vulnerable to poor reviews.  The truth is Facebook is the safest place to grow a positive online reputation.  It’s one of the few—if not the only—social media platforms I’m aware of that allows you to delete inappropriate comments. In addition you can ban people from your page. Need I say more?

Myth #2 – It’s going to take too much time to manage Facebook marketing.  Like many management and marketing tasks, systems for Facebook marketing are key.  Once your Facebook community is established, a practice can expect to spend on average one hour per week to maintain their community.

Myth #3 – It’s going to cost too much money.  I disagree with some consultants who say Facebook marketing is free. It’s not free.  Facebook marketing will cost you or a team member time, effort and energy.  Learn what you need to know to efficiently and effectively manage your Facebook internally.  You don’t have to lock yourself into monthly management fees unless you choose to outsource all (generally not a good idea) or portions of your marketing.

Myth #4 – People don’t use Facebook in our area.  Perhaps you really have a unique circumstance or demographic that is not on board with Facebook.  Why speculate?  Visit socialbakers.com to see where major cities (currently beta data) or states stand.  A more specific option is to log in to Facebook and explore the data in the Facebook ad build dashboard.  Once in the ad build section on Facebook you can enter your specific zipcode and see how many current Facebook users there are for that area.

Myth #5 – Facebook is just a fad. I’ve been hearing this concern for years and today Facebook use is stronger than ever.  Millions of people now have emotional connections with Facebook in the form of photos they’ve uploaded. Not to mention the treasured moments many enjoy in keeping up with friends and family. I don’t see Facebook use going away anytime soon.  So why ignore it?  With the right team member and the proper systems and/or training in place, you too could be exploring all the opportunities that Facebook has to offer.

Most importantly—know you can experience all the benefits of Facebook for your practice without relinquishing your personal privacy (yet another myth!). The truth about any marketing option is that it can seem scary and unpredictable if you don’t fully understand how it works.  Take time to inform yourself about why social marketing is important and what it entails.  You would never buy a piece of clinical equipment without first learning about it.  Better yet, discuss Facebook with your team—you may be pleasantly surprised to hear what they think about the opportunity.

Still curious if Facebook is right for you and your practice?  Contact Rita to discuss your situation (303) 807-3827.

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