
5 Fresh Dental Marketing Tips To Help Boost Your Bottom Line in Today’s Economy

Marketing is much more than advertising and getting new patients in the door. As you launch traditional marketing tactics, consider these timely suggestions as well. Direct from recent hands-on experience… 

1) Remove negative press from your reception area

If you have magazines like Time, Newsweek, Fortune or newspapers in your reception room, get them out now. Most of the headlines and articles today highlight the bad economy. Patients will be less motivated to accept treatment with poor economic images at their fingertips. Replace negative headlines with health oriented magazines, such as Prevention.

2) Take a look at what annoys you in your office

Now is an opportune time to have that discussion with the receptionist who needs to step-up her casual-Friday look, the sour-apple assistant in the team or the treatment coordinator who can’t seem to find the time to make those follow-up calls. Perhaps you have none of these issues and have retained a magnificent staff? If so, congratulations! Even if your team is top-notch, everyone is able to continue to improve in some way, now is the time to recruit new ideas, implement fresh protocols and boost all aspects of practice.

3) Make sure your financial policies are in order

A few practices I work with are noticing slower compensation from insurance companies, slower paying patients, and more than usual defectors. According to a January 2009 Wall Street Journal article, it’s not uncommon for people to postpone paying in recessions. With this in mind, it’s more important than ever to ensure your financial arrangements are clear, in writing and have patient signatures.

4) Build alliances

Dental practices are not the only businesses seeking more clients. Take advantage of the opportunity to approach like-minded businesses who might want to co-market. For example, share the cost of a direct mail piece or newsletter with another referral based business that serves similar clientele. Then offer a special to each others clients. Note, specials do not have to be discounts… think “bundling,” ie: have your teeth cleaned and receive a complimentary something.

5) Try something different

If you are in the habit of listening to the news every morning, stop it. Try listening to something motivating, wait and watch the news after work, or make a no-recession rule at the office. It is easy to commiserate with your team, but many times this only leaves people feeling worse.

What are you and your team doing to beat the economy and doldrums?

Need help with your dental marketing? Email rita@tangiblemarketing.com or call Rita (303) 807-3827.

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