
2010 Dental Marketing Predictions

Read the first of my five 2010 Dental Marketing Predictions, just released by my friends at DentalPlanet. Prediction #1 is “Relationship Marketing Will Dominate Traditional Marketing” …

Changing consumer behavior, the Internet and social media will continue to fuel a major shift in the direction of marketing and advertising. The internet will continue to squeeze out phonebook ads and newspaper subscriptions.  Television commercials will continue to be skipped—a result of the growing proliferation of DVR’s … and Pepsi is ending 23-years of super bowl ads, while shifting the budget to new media.

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs, etc. will continue to capture the attention of your patients.  Add to this the fact that today, 6% of consumers say they believe marketers’ ad claims … which means 94% don’t (source: Forrester).

Read more, see what others think about the predictions, and enter to win cool Prize Packages, including BestBuy gift cards, gift box blueFree Website, $500 off Equipment, Intraoral Camera, A Curing Light, a copy of my ebook “Referral Marketing How-To System For Dentists”  & more at DentalPlanet.com.

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